I've been meaning to get to this post for a while, but I kept forgetting to take pictures.
Here is my garden about a week after I planted it in late May:
It contains: 12 tomato plants (3 different kinds), green peppers, jalopeno peppers, habenaro peppers, cayenne peppers, brazilian hot wax peppers, another kind of pepper I don't remember, onions, green beans, cucumbers, squash and zuchinni. It will be a mother-load, particularly of peppers, if all goes well. Here are some close ups:
We also have three rows of raspberry bushes, a blueberry tree and a wild patch of black berries that I'm trying to tame a bit this year. I also tossed 3 strawberry plants in with the black berry patch and am wishing them good luck, but they may not make it. One did have a strawberry on it, but I haven't been attending to them very carefully.
Since these pictures were taken, there's been a lot of growth. The squash and zuchinni are going crazy. I'm hoping I gave them enough room. There are lots of tiny peppers everywhere and the tomatoes are flowering. I'm crossing my finger on the tomatoes because I've planted them every year (4 now) and I don't think I've ever gotten a full size ripe tomato. Something always seems to happen to them and they either don't grow or they never ripen. I've been wanting my own tomatoes to make salsa with and I even planted some cilantro as well, in a planter with basil. Both of those are doing well. So, I'm crossing my fingers for a great yield of veggies. It will be a nice little offset to my grocery bill... that I can put towards gas. :(