I intended to shoot out an email to "the Nine" on the subject of "The Will of God." (please note, imagine hearing the phrase "The Will of God" in a deep southern old fat man's voice and you'll get my drift.) And, for those unfamiliar, "the Nine" being a group of wonderfully wise and lovely ladies that I attended college with.
So, that aside, this whole "will of God" thing is really driving me crazy lately. A lot of weird stuff has been going on in my life lately that's really caused me to be deeply frustrated by the concept of "the will of God" for our lives, our days, our minutes, our decisions, etc. I've seen some people very close to me believe that they are doing the will of God and to be twarted in every step. What does this mean? Does this mean it wasn't the will of God? Does that mean that they misunderstood what they believed to be the will of God? If you are a beleiver and you feel strongly that God has given you direction and that direction does not work out, how do you take that? How, then, do you ever trust yourself again to know whether you are hearing the voice of God showing you His will.
On top of this, why in the world does God make it so difficult to understand what His will for our lives is? And where did this concept come from anyway? Is it rooted in Scripture, or did we humans, in our incessant need to "know" the future, plan and prepare, just make up the whole concept. Because it seems to me that if were so important to be doing "the will of God," in your life, He wouldn't make it so difficult to discover.
Because, here I am on the brink of 30, possibly about 1/3 of my way through life, God-willing, (pun intended), and I really don't know what I'm "called" to do or what "God's will" is for my life. And as I see some older people struggling with this same concept at 50, I'm just frustrated by the whole issue.
I think the root of the question is how involved is God? This is similiar to an entry I read on Greg's blog about the weather and what not. Does God care about what shirt I choose in the morning? Probably not. Does he care if it rains or if there's sun? Not according to Greg. Does he care if I decide to move across the country? I honestly don't know. How involved is God in our daily decisions? How big does a choice have to be before you get the Creator of the World involved?
Thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated...