Thursday, September 18, 2008

Is it or isn't it?

Here is an update based on the pregnancy journal I've been keeping for this little one:
Well, sweetheart, it’s about 1:30 am in the morning of the 19th. This has been such a wacky ride that I really am still not sure if you’re really on your way or not. If you’re not, I’m really not sure what I’m going to do. It seems you like to get most of your contractions in at night, so I’ve slept poorly for several nights in a row now. I’ve also been waiting for your daddy to come to bed as well, which has not helped, but he’s been very busy trying to cram in a bunch of projects so that they are done before you get here.
So, the story for today is that yesterday morning (feels like this morning b/c I haven’t slept yet) I thought my water broke. Or at least leaked. So, I wanted your daddy to stay home from work and I got ready to have a baby… I packed up remaining things, put on makeup, did my hair, etc. I was determined to look good having my second baby! Then we took your big sister to stay with your Mimi. We got some breakfast and went to see the midwives. However, when we got there around 10 am, she said that it was not my water. I was so disappointed and frustrated. I’m really ready to meet you and I’ve been wondering if each twinge or pain is “the real thing.” When she told me that it could still be a couple days, I just couldn’t take it and started crying. Mommy’s not much of a crier, but the lack of sleep and the disappointment were overwhelming at that point. She checked a couple more things and it was somewhat encouraging to hear that I had dilated another centimeter since Tuesday, but still only a “tight two.” So, we spent the rest of the day doing regular things. We tried to take a nap, but I’m not sure how much we slept. We went out to a nice dinner and came home around 8. Daddy put Nadia to bed starting at 9. I tried to get to sleep, but I just couldn’t. Daddy came to bed around 11 and I started having some more painful contractions about every 20 minutes. I was trying to relax and at least sleep between them, but I just couldn’t get comfortable. Then they started to get closer together – 10 minutes or so. They were pretty painful laying down, I decided to get up around 1 and see if changing positions would either make them go away or make them less painful. As of now, 1:45, I am still having them, but they are 10 or more minutes apart and a bit less painful. I guess I’ll give them some time and see if they get closer together or more intense and decide whether or not to try to go back to bed. But despite this not being the exact timing I would prefer, I’m ready to get the show on the road, so to speak. And by the way, I did pick up those diapers, so if that’s what you’ve been waiting on, they’re here. So, baby Waclawski two…. Come on down….literally.

Love you,



Blogger Megan said...

oh Erin - that just sounds miserable. I had a longer early/prelabor with Catherine and I just hated not knowing if it was it or not. Especially when you have another little one to worry about. I'll pray that you get some clear signs knowing that the baby is on the way - no turning back! Maybe it's already happened/happening! Love you!

5:53 AM  

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