Thursday, March 20, 2008

Can it be?

Spring? Is today truly the first day of spring? It is mostly cloudy and 37 degrees. Today doesn't feel much like spring. But this past Monday, I really came down with a bad case of spring fever. While it wasn't very warm, it was bright and sunny and I had noticed some little green things shooting out of the leaf matted beds, so I got out the old rake and this is what I found:

Ahhh. It is almost over! I'm one of those people who get a touch of seasonal depression. My moods lift drastically once spring is in the air, and let me tell you, these little green shoots really got me going. I love to watch plants grow. I come from a family of green thumbs, but so far, mine is only a tinge green. I'm working on it. I've had gardens for the past three years with some success (I seem to grow thriving green, jalapeno and habenaro peppers but suck at tomatoes.) and we have berry plants on our property that I've learned to trim and coax to produce more fruit. But I haven't really tried to do much with flowers. All the landscaping at our house is courtesy of my dad. It's actually an interesting story. My dad and aunt grew up in a house that actually in the same area as where we all still live. We lived there for a while when I was a kid. Somehow or another, my dad has managed to move around ivy, myrtle, daffadils, tiger lilies, hostas, and various other plants to different houses as we've all moved so that everyone has plants that originated from that first house. It's really kind of crazy that now at least 5 houses have been landscaped for the plants that he originally transplanted from his childhood home.
Anyway, suffice it to say, I am really excited for spring and for some rays of beautiful sunlight! Happy Easter!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Easter!
I have SAD too - I call it Seasonal Distracted Disorder (what season are we in?) I live in Wa State and it's brutal here from Nov. to whenever it decides to clear off for a couple days.
I have growth in my yard that looks alot like yours. :)

9:31 AM  

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