Wednesday, July 11, 2007

citizens of the commonwealth unite!

Okay, so I was driving the length of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania on Monday morning, when I began to notice a peculiar pattern. The lovely turnpike which we contribute who knows how much tax money towards, plus costing $25+ per crossing to travel on, is riddled with "construction zones." I'm not necessarily upset about a construction zone. That's par for the course in a region where the ground thaws and freezes several times a month. What I found peculiar were the numerous FAKE construction zones. By this I mean miles and miles of road marked as "under construction, double fines enfourced" where NOTHING was going on. Nothing, I should say, except Staties giving out tickets. And, this on a day when the govenor had shut down "non essential" personnel because of lack of a passed budget. Apparently, it is ESSENTIAL to ticket people for trying to drive across the state in less than six hours. I find this to be a ridiculous infringement on my rights. For one, I think it is entrapment for creating work zones where no one is working. Two, I pay a lot of freakin' taxes to this state and I should be able to travel on the country's first major interstate at 70 MPH when I am returning from vacation and don't want to spend six hours in a car with my 15 month old. Three, it's just plain morally wrong. I think my other commonwealth residents should join with me in a rebellion against this latest "tax collecting" scheme of our lovely Govenor Rendell. Any takers?


Blogger Megan said...

I took that trip a few weeks ago so I feel your pain. I hate the empty construction sites - definitely one of matt's pet peeve's as well. Is this conspiracy fact or just a theory of yours? Did you get a ticket or just have to slow down alot to avoid one? Either way - the turnpike is no fun and too expensive. You should just fly back and forth while Nadia is free.

11:12 AM  
Blogger Kerri Smith said...

it'll get even worse if they make I-80 a toll road as they're proposing...

8:50 AM  
Blogger Erin said...

I think it's a fact, but I'm not sure who else would believe it. But when there are just cones lining the median and absolutely NO evidence of anything being done or needing to be done?? Anyway, I did not get a ticket, but I don't know how many times I had to slow down to 60 for no reason with other people slamming on their brakes to avoid me, as they continued going 70+. It's dangerous for that matter as well. It really is miserable. I have often considered flying, but there's no good way to get from the airport to Marcin's place w/o taking a taxi...

8:50 AM  
Blogger Erin said...

Yes, we really need to vote against that if we get the opportunity. And the whole privatizing (sp?) of the turnpike. Pretty soon, it will be MUCH cheaper to fly...

8:51 AM  

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