Wednesday, September 06, 2006


So, I said a while back that I was going to do an introductory entry. I had actually already created one, but somehow lost it. I think it's just easier to put out some bullet points, so here we go:

Family: Married, One Girl Child, Three Hairy Children
Religion: Christian - going for the Blue Like Jazz Christian and not the Pat Robertson Christian
Hobbies: Exercise - though currently on hiatis, Reading, Road tripping, Camping
Work Status: currently working full time and hating every minute.
Granola Status: I'd put myself pretty close to the granola side, though I am not completely militant about it, like many can get. But just to give you a feel - I had an unmedicated birth with midwives, I intend to breastfeed through the first year, I plan on making my own babyfood, and I do demand feeding and cosleeping. However, I do work, though not because I want to, I do use disposable diapers, went with the regular vaccination schedule and I buy all the regular baby stuff from regular stores. If I had a million dollars, I would be a lot more granola, but organic everything is expensive!! So anyway, after reviewing all that, maybe I'm just more in the middle.

This whole topic is very interesting to me because over the years I have read many online diaries/blogs about babies and parenting and pregnancy, etc. and everyone has an opinion on these issues. Obviously, you have to have an opinion or you wouldn't be raising your child that way. But what I find somewhat amusing is that in our PC culture, it's basically illegal to be passionate about your views on these matters. I just think that it's silly. We have to be adults and recognize that there are different ways of doing things and that whichever way a person chooses, they are going to be passionate about that. A recent example showed up at our college reunion. I hope the two involved won't mind me using them as an example... But my one friend, K., has a young baby that is very scheduled, to the point that she wakes him up when his allotted nap time is over. My other friend, E., and actually myself as well, were surprised by this because we're in the child-led camp and neither of us would ever wake a sleeping baby. We all joked around about it, but you could tell that all of us thought our way was right. But that's just the way it is. And I guess what I'm getting all long winded about is that while we obviously have to respect other people's choices, we also need to realize that everyone is passionate about their choices and believes their way is right. I, personally, try to listen to others views and be open to how they approach situations, but there are definitely issues where I know I'm right and I'm stickin' to it! :)


Blogger Megan said...

I know what you mean. I think it gets tricky because alot of moms know that a certain parenting approach is right for them but realize it might not work for others. But you have some moms who are so passionate about their choice of parenting style that they feel it is right, period. You hear that especially regarding circumcision, Cry it Out, vaccinations....
I agree that it's alright and good to feel strongly about how you are doing things, but then do you (not, you specifically) realize that in many parenting debates there is no black or white, right or wrong answer? Not sure if that made sense!

7:05 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Just read this and started laughing...b/c I totally know what you mean!:) I was thinking the same thing after leaving the reunion. We found it so interesting to see the different "camps" played out among such close friends. But, so far none of it surprising. Personality and lifestyle clearly plays such a huge role in parenting that it seemed to make sense watching one another's approach. I agree with Megan though that there really is no black or white answer. Scheduling works great for our family, but that doesn't mean that there aren't many times when we have to flex and change things b/c of various circumstances.
In reference to the passion you wrote about...A phrase P. and I have come to say daily is "no regrets"! We made the decisions to schedule, to swaddle, to use a pacifier with crying it out, to wait to introduce solids, etc. and we're sticking to them. There will inevitably be bumps in the road that will cause us to question whether or not we made the right decision, but I am grateful that ultimately it is the Lord who holds our children in His hands and leads us to make the decisions that are best for them! Since all kids are different, it's no surprise that parenting approaches will and even should look differently! Thanks for sharing! And,no, I don't care that you shared my style!!! I'm passionate it's best for Will.:)

11:47 AM  

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